Find a place to GIVE



We give out of obedience to scripture, we give out of a sense of gratitude, and we give in the knowledge that God will use these temporary, finite resources to build an eternal, infinite Kingdom. Before we explain to you how to write a check or how to give online, it is far more important that you know why we encourage you to give to God by giving to the church. To put it simply, we give because we believe there is nothing more important than sharing with the world the person and the hope we have in Jesus Christ. He is why the Church exists; he is at the heart of everything we do.


We are always grateful for the gifts we receive from those we know, as well as from those we don’t. Thank you for your generous heart. Here are the ways you can give to the church:

– Mail a check to the church at 1550 Market Street NE, Salem, OR, 97301.

– Use the Bill-Pay option from your bank to have a check mailed to the church. This can be set up as a recurring donation or a one-time gift.

– You can also just click the link below to give online.

If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 503.581.3680 between 9AM and 4PM, Monday - Thursday, or leave a message and we'll return your call.


The Salem Nazarene Foundation is dedicated to helping people invest in the ministry of Salem First Church of the Nazarene. The Legacy Fund is established for use by ministries of Salem First Nazarene and is managed by the Salem Nazarene Foundation. The Foundation offers a variety of ways to give tax-deductible gifts for local, regional, and international ministries, from one-time gifts to sustainable gifts designed to last for years. These funds are invested and generate further income. Many people choose to give as a way to honor the memory of a loved one. Others use the Foundation as a way to give a gift that will be invested and continue to bless a ministry for years to come.

We appreciate your interest. Please feel free to contact us with questions or for additional information.
Email [email protected] or call the church office at 503.581.3680.

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